Winter Holiday Lighting
(Rain or shine)

WHEN: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
TIME: 6:30pm
WHERE: Marlboro Town Hall (1979 Township Drive)

Dear Resident,

The Holiday Lighting is on rain or shine as we plan to move the party indoors. The Marlboro High School musicians will play festive music and Santa and friends are on their way ready to kick off the holiday season with us.    

Santa’s Workshop will be ready for photo ops.  Take a ‘Selfie with Elfie’ and a spin with ‘Little Dreidel’. Santa and friends will be making their list and checking it twice, so bring your wish list and drop it in our ‘North Pole Mailbox’.  Our dessert buffet will open following the winter lighting.  

We are pleased to continue our ‘Marlboro Gives Back’ program with two ways to donate. We are accepting new, unwrapped toys to benefit local families. Bring your donation to the holiday lighting or place in the collection box in Town Hall or Recreation lobbies.  We are also partnering with 180 Turning Lives Around with a gift card drive. Both programs run through December 16.  Please see below for more. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity. 

If the skies clear, we will hold a portion of the program outside so please dress for the weather.   Flyers for the event and donation details are below.  We look forward to seeing you Wednesday at our Winter Holiday Lighting.

Yours in Community,
Mayor Jon Hornik

Holiday Lighting FLYER

Marlboro Gives Back FLYER