November 29, 2023

Dear Neighbors,

In recent days, I have responded to hateful comments being posted by members of our community on social media.  As I stated, there is no place for hate of any kind in this town, ever, under any circumstances.

People of many ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds choose Marlboro as a premier place to live, work and raise a family, and this is something we celebrate.  It is what makes us strong and contributes to the very rich fabric of this great community.  Our schools, houses of worship, and even restaurants are increasingly reflective of our population.

It is unfortunate that a small number of individuals—and I emphasize that this is NOT a representative sample of our community—continue to divide us with poisonous statements.  While I do not want to give agitators more of a platform than they deserve, I will reiterate, without any equivocation, that we are a proudly multicultural and inclusive town. Racism, anti-semitism, islamophobia and hate in any form is unacceptable and unwelcome in this community.

In these difficult times, and during this holiday season, I appeal to residents to acknowledge that we can have differences of opinion without injecting hate into our conversation. Only by understanding, respecting and appreciating our differences can we come together in a united way.

Yours in Community,

Mayor Jonathan Hornik