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August 22, 2018

EMERALD ASH BORER - The Marlboro Township Shade Tree committee has been working with the
Township Licensed Tree Expert to develop an inventory of Ash Trees throughout Marlboro along with a
program to address the effects of the presence of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in our town.

The owners of properties determined to be affected by this invasive tree pest will receive a letter from
the Licensed Tree Expert this fall with detailed information on the nature of the problem and the steps
that can be taken.

EAB is a non-native insect that attacks and kills ash trees. As of May, 2018 EAB has been found in 33
states and parts of Canada. For more about the EAB, please review the following:

What Does an Ash Tree Look Like?
EAB Information Network
NJ Dept. of Agriculture EAB
EAB Insecticide and Treatment Summary
Pest Alert Newsletter
Ash Tree ID
EAB Facts
